category management
Written by Jason Smith,
October 15th, 2024 | Category Management

How Category Planning is Like Baking a Cake

Building a successful category strategy in CPG and retail is like baking the perfect cake. Every ingredient plays a crucial role, and getting the balance right leads to a strategy that not only delights but also delivers results. 

At Shopper Intelligence, category planning doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you have the right approach. 

Like a cake, a strong category plan requires a careful mix of relationships, insights, vision, strategies, and execution. Let’s explore how each of these five “ingredients” can help you create a winning strategy.

Relationships: Your Foundation, Like a Good Oven

Just as a cake needs a reliable oven to bake evenly, a category strategy starts with strong relationships. Knowing your retailer and understanding the category inside and out sets the foundation for everything else. 

Trust is built over time, and it’s what gives your recommendations weight. When a retailer trusts that you have their best interests at heart, they’re more likely to back your advice. 

Building a strong plan requires ongoing conversations, collaboration, and the confidence that comes from knowing your retailer inside out. Trust is fragile—make sure your strategy strengthens, rather than jeopardizes, these relationships.

Insights for Growth: Your Recipe for Success

A great cake begins with a great recipe; in category management, that recipe is insights. However, sales data alone won’t drive growth. Everyone can access sales figures, but the true magic happens when you dig deeper into the numbers. Insights into shopper behavior, market trends, and category dynamics allow you to find new growth opportunities. 

By interpreting the data creatively, you can uncover trends and anomalies that others might miss. The best category managers don’t just rely on data—they transform it into actionable insights that everyone can rally behind.

Clear Vision and Objectives: The Quality Ingredients

No matter how skilled you are in the kitchen, using poor-quality ingredients will produce a mediocre cake. 

In category management, a clear vision is like using the best ingredients—it makes everything else better. Your vision should be simple, memorable, and motivating. What’s the end goal? Where do you want to take the category?

Ensuring your objective is worth the effort and will deliver meaningful results is essential. A clear and concise vision gives everyone a sense of direction, helping you and your team stay focused on achieving impactful results.

Focused Strategies: Mixing the Ingredients Well

Mixing is a crucial part of baking—you must get the texture right. Similarly, your category strategy must be focused and well-blended. Instead of trying to do everything, focus on two or three key strategies directly connecting to your insights. Prioritize actions to make the biggest impact, and avoid spreading your resources too thin.

When you say no to ideas that don’t align with your objectives, you ensure your plan remains sharp and effective. Focusing your strategies ensures that you’re not just busy—you’re driving real results.

category managementCollaboration and Execution: The Bake

No cake is complete until it’s baked to perfection, and no category strategy is complete without proper execution. 

Collaboration is where the magic happens—when all stakeholders are engaged and committed to making the plan a reality. A great strategy should lead to action, not just conversation. Start with a 90-day plan to build momentum and secure early wins. 

This shows that your strategy is working and creates excitement and commitment from the retailer. Execution is where your strategy turns into tangible results, benefiting both the retailer and your brand.

 The Final Result: A Tasty, Successful Category Plan

Just like baking a cake, when all the ingredients of a category strategy come together, the result can be amazing. Your strategy will strengthen relationships with retailers, help your brand achieve its goals, and position you as the hero of the story. 

By mastering these five ingredients—relationships, insights, vision, focused strategies, and execution—you’ll create a category plan that not only stands out but also drives success for your brand and retailer.

Ready to bake your next strategy? Follow these steps and watch how a well-executed category plan can deliver sweet success.

Category management