Your shoppers are so much more than their transactions, they’re people.
That’s why we talk to 700,000 shoppers every year so you can build your strategies based on what they actually think and want.
Join over 100 retailers and cpg firms that already subscribe to this systematic source of objective facts on the causal factors behind what shoppers buy
Our survey and observation data deliver up-to-date diagnostic measures into the drivers of shopping purchasing behaviour.
Other industry data skips over the causes of shopper decisions.
One-off shopper insights projects are expensive, time-consuming, and have limited coverage.
Our ongoing measurement programs make it easy to compare your category to all other categories and each retailer to its competitors.
Context that makes your proposals truly persuasive and helps you win the day, whether you work in a supplier or retailer.
Easily and quickly know how shoppers buy your category and how it compares to others in your department and the rest of the store.
We also show how any one retailer compares to its rivals.
In depth comparisons that make your proposals more persuasive.

The benefits of using our continuous survey
and observation driven shopper data to
improve store and category outcomes
Category oriented
Unashamedly category and shopper focussed
Retailer oriented
Get a perspective that retailers truly value
Across store and competitor comparisons that unlock the insights
Always Up To Date
Know the latest
market dynamics -
Affordable and efficient
Cover all your categories and retailers continuously
How it works.
We interview and observe shoppers at scale, measuring their perceptions, needs, and behaviours.
Using an ultra-efficient process, we measure all retailers, categories and brands and create an in-depth database covering the entire market. We do it year in and year out for the whole industry.
You access this data gold mine via our online platform, supported by our team of category management enthusiasts.

Facts and Stats
Started in 2007, Shopper Intelligence is now the largest
shopper measurement program in the world. Annually:
Shoppers globally
Channel programs
Data points
Book your
no-obligation discovery call
- Tell us your categories, retailer or brands
- We’ll show you our shopper perspective data
that will reveal the “Why” for your Business - Our team of friendly cat man enthusiasts will
work on a surprisingly affordable quote for you