Discover the CPG trends that matters to shoppers…for free.
The Category Trend Analyzer turns mountains of conversations and articles into crystal clear insights.
No need to Google endlessly or accept consultants’ guesswork. The CTA delivers voice of the shopper data across 15 departments.
(No email or credit card needed).
See how the Category Trend Analyzer works in just 60 seconds
What the Category Trend Analyzer Delivers
See what others miss.
The Category Trend Analyzer reveals the hottest shopper trends, empowering category managers to make smart, impactful moves for growth.
By analyzing social media activity and industry publications, the Category Trend Analyzer uncovers hidden patterns and emerging trends that shape successful strategies
How it works
Once you have access to Category Trend Analyzer, it’s easy to use:
Some of the thousand of sources for the Category Trend Analyzer
Front your category plan with insight into the hottest trends.
Check out Shopper Intelligence’s Category Trend Analyzer,
the latest addition to our suite of category management data.
We give you more of the “why” to all the rest of your “what” data.
FREE, no strings attached.