Retailer Profiles: Grocery and Hard Discounters | Shopper Intelligence

Retailer Profiles: Grocery and Hard Discounters

The “Shopper Intelligence Q3 2024 Retailer Profiles” report offers a comprehensive analysis of shopper behaviors and satisfaction across major UK grocery and hard discounter retailers. Drawing from a robust dataset of over 63,000 shopper surveys conducted up to the second quarter of 2024, this report provides valuable insights into key performance metrics, including:

  • Pre-Store Factors: Examines shopper intentions, loyalty, and the influence of promotions on shopping trips.
  • In-Store Dynamics: Assesses browsing tendencies, the impact of product displays, and the role of new product introductions in driving additional purchases.
  • Post-Store Satisfaction: Evaluates overall shopper satisfaction, identifies areas for improvement, and highlights executional strengths of each retailer.

By benchmarking six leading retailers—Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Morrisons, Aldi, and Lidl—this report enables businesses to understand their competitive positioning and identify opportunities to enhance shopper engagement and satisfaction. The detailed metrics and rankings serve as a strategic tool for retailers and suppliers aiming to optimize category management and tailor strategies to meet evolving shopper needs.

For a deeper dive into these insights, dowload the full report here:

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